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In 1910 a small Bugle Band was formed, parading at Northfleet Station when the ASM, Mr D.R.P Coates emigrated to Canada.

In 1911 the Troop was presented with its first colours in a ceremony performed by Baden Powell himself. The colours were received by a disabled member of the Troop who was elected unanimously for the honour by the other scouts. Writing of the experience in "The Scout" magazine BP ended with the quote, "They are Scouts and Gentleman".

At this time the neckerchief was a plain brown square. When Mr Fred Walters, a local tailor, formed 3rd Northfleet and gave them a brighter green and grey scarf several boys absconded to join his new unit!

The Troop struggled during the 1914-18 war, although surviving members, whilst low in number, did their duty serving as look-outs on the tower of St Botolph's church. Arms with shot guns they were ordered to shoot down carrier pigeons suspected of carrying information to the enemy and although no record exists of the number of birds exterminated, the church co-incidentally lost is Cross.

Scout logo


Squirrels - Friday 5.30-6.30pm
Beavers - Monday 6-7.15pm
Cubs - Thursday 6.30-8pm
Scouts - Tuesday 7-9pm
Band - Wednesday 7-9pm

Charity Number:303426

Contact us

1st Northfleet Scout Group
Rosherville Scout Hall
Rosherville Recreational Park
DA11 9JU
