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Remembrance Parade 2015

Remembrance Parade 2015 

Today the group was out on parade for Remembrance Sunday. Alongside the group was several other local Scout Groups and our local Explorer Scout Unit Kipling who proudly carried the Union Jack Flag.

All those involved (Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers and Leaders) met at 1st Northfleet's Hall and paraded from Burnaby Road to the memorial outside of St Botolphs church where a short and on point service was held that was made up of readings and hymns, a two minute silence in memory of the fallen and of course the laying of wreaths.

The group was well represented by the young people who all looked exceedingly smart as they paraded. Several having the honour of bearing the flag for their section or taking part in the laying of the wreath on behalf of the group.

A massive thanks goes out to the volunteers who aided the parade by enforcing temporary road closures along the road and espeically to Andy Treadwell, GSL of 5th Northfleet, who organised the proceedings. Another thank you goes to our GSL, Kevin Braine, who lead the parade on the day.

"They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them."

Scout logo


Squirrels - Friday 5.30-6.30pm
Beavers - Monday 6-7.15pm
Cubs - Thursday 6.30-8pm
Scouts - Tuesday 7-9pm
Band - Wednesday 7-9pm

Charity Number:303426

Contact us

1st Northfleet Scout Group
Rosherville Scout Hall
Rosherville Recreational Park
DA11 9JU
